Essentials for Your Work From Home Desk

Working remotely is becoming increasingly common nowadays, especially with the outbreak of a deadly virus that shall not be named. Being away from school or the office might be a blessing to some, but there are many others who find the lack of a proper environment understimulating. If that’s you, then you’ve probably already googled a bunch of study tips or productivity tips to help get you back on track. Well, here’s one for ya. Find a way to create an environment that allows you to focus best. It’s simply one of the best strategies for studying or working when you can’t be in your usual workspace.

Your work from home desk is a very personal space, so you should arrange it in such a way that makes you feel at peace. No distractions, no clutter and most importantly, no room for distractions that will sap your focus and energy. When you’re feeling motivated, that’s when you can work at your very best. Here are some essentials for your work from home desk and work/study tips for you.

Workspace Essentials and Work From Home Tips


The best way to study or work is to have your schedule and to-do list updated. This way, you won’t lose track of the tasks that you’re supposed to accomplish. With this custom Planner, you can list down important events to plan out your day, week, month or year to a T. This helps with productivity because you’ll naturally have better perception and management of your duties. You can also use it as a notebook to write down your thoughts, ideas or strategies for studying; they’re incredibly versatile. Personalize your planner notebook with unique fonts and pleasing colors that suit your workspace decor.

Anyone with good productivity tips to share will tell you that planning is key to finding the best way to study or work. A planner is good to carry around and be kept as a detailed reference, but sometimes we miss out on details if we don’t see them right in front of us. With a Desk Calendar, you can not only add an aesthetic decor piece to your work from home desk, but also make use of its practical uses. Mark down important dates that you won’t be able to miss when you glance across your desk. Make them your own with your favorite photos or quotes that inspire you and admire them as you flip through the calendar month by month.


Every modern workstation is only complete when it has a magnetic wall board for notices, photos and other stuff that is related to work. If you’re studying, a magnetic notice board can be used to showcase the most important study tips or timetables that you’ll need. Adorn these boards with uniquely thin Photo Magnets, which you can personalize to look absolutely fantastic and use it as a paperweight (or in this case, a magnetic pin).

Keep the workspace vibe professional with Magnetic Business Cards that you can put on your magnetic office board. These magnetic cards are a fun twist on traditional business cards. Make an impression by sending some to your colleagues or clients. These bendable and paper-thin magnetic cards can be attached on any curved or flat metallic surface.


When you feel your concentration and motivation is drying out. A collage of your favorite little people whom you’re doing the grind for can definitely put the vigor back into work. Make these special people in your life also part of your workstation with a Desktop Plaque. This desktop plaque is thin and doesn’t take up much space so you won’t find it too intrusive. 

It’s always fun and heartwarming when you take a quick focus break and look up to see a memory of your Hawaii trip or a cutout of Sharon Stone from Basic Instinct (not the NSFW version, of course!).

There are many work from home tips out there, and one key tip is how important it is to maintain your work-life balance. The best way to study or work progressively and productively is to ensure that you have proper breaks to refresh your mind. With your own custom wall Clock across the room, you can make sure to take your breaks regularly. Or if you can’t wait to get off work, a clock is a good tool to simulate the anticipation of the end of a workday in the office. Believe it or not, a number of people actually derive motivation from that.


Protect your laptop with a Laptop Sleeve after work to prevent any accidental damage. Not only is a laptop sleeve practical, you can also make yours look good by personalizing it. Our laptop sleeves are tailored for the modern work laptop and are waterproof so you don’t have to worry about accidentally getting your laptop wet. 

If you can function and concentrate on your work without a few daily doses of caffeine, then this list is probably not very useful for you anyway. The caffeine junkies, however, will appreciate this next one. A normal coffee mug is good enough, but you can take yours to the next level with a personalized Photo Mug for your coffees and teas. From standard latte mugs and enamel mugs to magic mugs and tumbler cups, get your caffeine fix and a necessary item for your work from home desk from our drinkware collection.


Nice work desk, check. Essential coffee drink, check. You’re almost all set for a good day’s work, so don’t let anything ruin your mood or your newly assembled work from home desk. With this Acacia wood Coaster, you won’t have to worry about beverage stains on your table or accidental spills on your keyboard. You can personalize these coasters with an inspirational quote engraved on the surface. When no drink is on top of it, use it as a fine decor piece.

More than just essentials for your work from home desk, embellish different spaces of your house with personalized decor and keepsakes. With Photobook Canada, you get only the best photo personalization service, and that’s a promise.